This is the best learning platform out there!

What you have been missing on for a long time, when it comes to online education.

Saud Hashmi
3 min readJun 11, 2022
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Online education has taken over classical education, in many ways. We don’t rely on reading materials, resource books and textbooks much, like we used to at one time.

People have been using digital platforms like YouTube, Medium, Wikipedia and many educational websites to learn about anything in the world.

And these platforms have constantly proven themselves, as platforms harboring the means to global digital education.

Amongst these platforms, there is ONE, that is neglected by the majority of Internet users who seek education on the largest network of Earth.

Reddit — Dive into Anything

In June 2005, Reddit was launched by co-founders Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian. They called it the “front-page of the Internet”. They created fake users to make the site ‘look authentic’. A typical fake it till you make it strategy.

If you are wondering about what Reddit is:

Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection. Whether you’re into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet’s cutest animals, there’s a community on Reddit for you.

Source: Reddit Inc.

Reddit Home Page — My feed

TL;DR, Reddit has thousands of communities, known as sub-reddits, with the prefix, r/ , and millions of users with the prefix, u/ .

You gain karma by posting and commenting on posts in these sub-reddits. Karma are the points in Reddit’s scoring system. Users with more karma get access to more features in Reddit.

The most fun and awesome people will be found on Reddit!

It’s better than Instagram.

It’s better than Twitter.

Reddit as an educational platform

Reddit was never meant to be ‘educational’ in nature. It was made for people on the Internet, to connect with each other, find common interests, build communities and contribute in globalizing the Internet.

Same goes for platforms like YouTube and Twitter. The intention was never educational. Socializing was the point to focus on!

As people eventually started using these platforms, it was inevitable for ‘digital education’ to take its place in them.

Now addressing the question: Why is Reddit the best learning platform out there?

Of the redditors, for the redditors, by the redditors

The best features of Reddit are communities (with moderation) and global users.

Anyone can share information, within context; and under the rules and regulations of the sub-reddit.

If a violation does occur, the moderators of the sub-reddit remove the post from that sub-reddit.

The model of the community is inspired from regulated democracy.

And this is one of the best socio-political models of our time.

Sub-reddits on any topics

Also what’s exciting about Reddit is that you can find a sub-reddit on ALMOST any topic. Even if you are a huge alligator nerd, you would find r/alligator on Reddit.

I am a huge alligator nerd! — Todd Packer (The Office, S07E18)

Again, I say, “almost any topic”.

So it is obvious that one would find sub-reddits for science, technology, programming, arts, humanities, politics, finance, economics, math, etc.

You can search for any ‘topic’ in the Search Bar at the top and you will be able to access sub-reddits, that are (or may be) related to the topic.

Some of the educational sub-reddits that I exclusively follow up on are r/QuantumComputing , r/psychology , r/economics and r/askscience .

With the advent of platforms like Reddit, we hope to see more platforms that would be able to revolutionize digital education. I hope remote areas like some African countries and indigenous tribes like the Bedouins and the Aborigines would be able to get access to digital education.

Till then, Reddit will do its job!

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Saud Hashmi

Co-Founder, CTO @Stemble | 21, Muslim | Content Creator | Online Writer | Developer | Musician | Avid Learner | Bibliophile | Gamer | Consultant | Fitness Freak